The Pros of Furnished Studios for rent

The Pros of Furnished Studios for rent in the US

Being new to the city, one of your first tasks is to find a place to live. Since you have very little other than the clothes in your suitcase, it would be great to find a place that is furnished. One excellent option is to consider the benefits associated with furnished studio apartments.

Furnished studios come with everything that you need to set up basic housekeeping. Chances are that you will have a sofa that converts to a bed, or possibly a Murphy bed that is already mounted in the wall. The kitchen may be nothing more than a galley design tucked away in a corner, but it will have a fully functional range top, oven, and even a refrigerator. The best units will also include plenty of storage space in the kitchen area for food and your dishes.

Other key features will include a small dining table with a couple of chairs, and draperies for the windows. There is also a good chance that you will find a chest of drawers and a closet that is certainly large enough to accommodate the clothing you already own, plus room for you to add to the wardrobe over time.

Once you unpack, treat yourself to a quick shopping trip. Buy a few things that will help turn the space into a home. Invest is some sheets and other bedding to make the sleeping space comfortable. A plant or two would not hurt. Some food, cookware, and a few dishes will be all you need to put the kitchen in order. In less time than you thought possible, your furnished studio will stop feeling like rented space and more like a real home.
Average price for rent in United States
Average price per sq.feet for rent in United States
Cities with the pros of furnished studios for rent
      the pros of furnished studios for rent ads
      Marina Square Rowlock
      Marina Square Rowlock
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 1,120 sq.feet - 2 bedrooms - 2 bathrooms
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Park And Main S1.1
      Park And Main S1.1
      Hartford, Connecticut - For Rent - Apartment - 330 sq.feet - 1 bathroom
      Include furnished studios, up-to-date amenities, and a wealth of resident services...
      Marina Square Hammerhead
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      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 423 sq.feet - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Loch
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      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 612 sq.feet - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Saltbox
      Marina Square Saltbox
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 584 sq.feet - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Scow
      Marina Square Scow
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 753 sq.feet - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Sixgill
      Marina Square Sixgill
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 554 sq.feet - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Stern
      Marina Square Stern
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 399 sq.feet - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Surf
      Marina Square Surf
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 587 sq.feet - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...
      Marina Square Tender
      Marina Square Tender
      Bremerton, Washington - For Rent - Apartment - 763 sq.feet - 1 bedroom - 1 bathroom
      Studios, efficiency studios, open one bedrooms, one bedroom’s, two bedrooms, live work, furnished suites, rooftop deck with ping pong, water and mountain views...