The graph showing the average price for bedrooms displays the property with the most expensive price has 1 bedroom. It is 15 % more expensive than the average price of $1,955 in Blowing Rock. Based on the bedrooms values, properties with the most expensive rent prices are those with 1 bedroom. They are 15 % more expensive than the average aforementioned.
With regard to the average prices per sq.feet those properties with 1 bedroom are 2147483647 % more expensive than the average price of ($64 / sq.feet) in Blowing Rock. Properties with the most expensive price when referring to the number of bedrooms / sq.feet are those with 1 bedroom. They are 2147483647 % more expensive than the average value aforementioned.
The graph displaying the average rent prices displays the property type "Condo" as the most affordable one. At an cost of $1,697 it is 34 % more affordable than the average price in Blowing Rock. "Land" is seen as the second most affordable property type. The most expensive property type is "Land" followed by "Condo". At a price of $1,119 it is 15 % more expensive than the average price.
According to the average cost per sq.feet, the least affordable property would be "Condo" at an average price of $17 / sq.feet followed by "Land" priced at $64 / sq.feet. "Land" is the most expensive type of property with a $64 / sq.feet value followed by "Condo" with an average price of $17 / sq.feet.